Bidyarthi Science College is the Best Science college in Nabarangpur District. The main objective of Bidyarthi Science College is to bring out the hidden talent in students. Due to its continuous success in entire Nabarangpur District, we at this college, guarantee that learning will be permanent in students due to its innovative teaching methodology enabling the students to fit to any situation in job or society. The College is always following universal acquisition of desired knowledge & skill to enhance self-confidence and assertiveness through efficient faculty promoting educational excellence amongst the student.

Bidyarthi Science College is dedicated to providing the highest quality education possible for all our students. So in order to give best education to our students,we deal all our students indivisually to resolve their problems. training.
To be a leading institution that provides a transformative education to create leaders and innovators, and generates new knowledge for society. We Offer a dynamic, interactive education environment that engages students in the learning process.We provide constructive feedback to promote student self- assessment and motivation.Provide clear learning outcomes, detailed instruction, and assessment for all courses to ensure course mastery and student success. Use technology to create effective modes and means of instruction that expand access to learning.